me- ---
Overalls and Skirts
by Dorothea
Many years of my cross- dressing life went by before I learned that medical science had a name for men like a"transvestite", Learning that I was labeled was somewhat of a shock, but as I thought about it, the realization came with it that if there was such a label, then more than just me were addicted to the wearing of feminine clothes. Even so, a good many more years passed before I admitted my TVism to anyone, or con- tacted an understanding fellow TV.
My life story is similar to that of many another of our group. I am the oldest of four sons, and when my brothers and I were kids, we played rough and tough in all sorts of boys games, and none of us ever dodged a fight. In fact, we often went out of our way to start There was nothing sissy nor feminine about us, though my own feminine traits have been strong, I am a heterosexual male and have lived a man's life always and would not have it any other way. Like the rest of our group, I enjoy feminine clothing and the change in personality that comes with it, and I hope to go on as
I am.
I am now 48, with thinning hair on my head and an abundance of it everywhere else. My arms and back are tattooed, mementoes of my seagoing career, which I followed for many years in ship's engine rooms. That career broke up my TV activities, but never smothered them, though I was able to dress in my favorite clothes only on the rare occasions, with a few exceptions, when I was home.
I do not know exactly why I am a TV, and though my truly conscious desires along that line began when I was about 14, my Mother used to laughingly tell how when I was about four or five I tried to persuade a little girl of the same age to exchange clothes with me. Of course I don't recall the incident, but it may be some indication that the desires are deep-seated. I do know that I found myself with the desire for long silk stock-